Bask in the Grace of God

Bask in the Grace of God

Dear Wisdom,

 Please help us to bask in the grace of God.

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all.” Titus 2:11

Grace is a word that is tossed about frivolously, like love. People do not use the word with appropriate respect, nor do many people know what grace truly means. Please help us to understand the meaning of grace, as well is how to bring more grace into our lives.

Thank you.

Care to comment, Wisdom?


*One is living in grace when they realize and live knowing God is alive within their very being. The Most High God is not just outside of themselves living somewhere distant but actually residing in every cell of the human body. As this concept is understood, people have the choice to be aware of this connection or to choose to be ego-based.

*The grace of God is the gift of being alive for the growth of the soul. Few people live with this awareness continuously. Grace does not come from God as favoritism or a way to show approval or something that is earned after a goal has been reached. Grace is always available. Being aware of this gift of life makes living more precious. When anything happens, instead of complaining or thinking how it is not fair, one focuses on how the soul benefits and it is only by the grace of God the situation manifested for the soul to grow. Instead of a tragedy, find the opportunity. Instead of proclaiming, “ I’ve been cursed by God,” state how God meant it for good. It is the grace of God that is helping the souls, not so much the human. See Grace as a doorway for the soul. Living in this awareness brings better insight for reality.

             Thank you so much Wisdom with love.

             You are welcome our little signal.

A signal sets the pace for traffic to flow smoothly. Time management will be needed to set a smooth pace as more opportunity comes into your lives. See how past events were gifts of grace for the souls.

Some doors close while other doors will then be able to be open. To experience more grace, see all scenarios as sold developers. Be aware of God throughout every phase of your life. God is with you always.